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By an act of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, approved March 7, 1834, Girard Township was formed from Coldwater and Prairie River Townships. In the petition to the Legislature requesting the formation of a new township, residents originally requested that the Township be named “Fairfield”.   The name of "Girard" which was derived from the name of the Philadelphia millionaire Stephen Girard.  Girard Township was the fourth Township organized within the County.
The first meetings were held in homes and Mr. James B. Tompkins was elected the first supervisor on April 7, 1834.
The Girard Township Hall was built in 1893 at a cost of $675.  The contractor was Herbert Roe.  The Township Hall is still in use today and the Township Board meets the first Monday of each month.

The Township is located on the North border of Branch County and joined on the north by Calhoun County and on the east, south, and west by the Townships of Butler, Coldwater, and Union respectively.


Girard Township Clerk is in need of a Deputy Clerk. If you are interested, please send resume to

Girard Township 1009 Marshall Rd. Coldwater, MI 49036, Attention Clerk. Computer skills, public relations, flexible schedule a must.

Please include a contact number. Prefer someone that lives in the jurisdiction or very close.